Business and Government Have Worked Together

I once knew a smart lawyer who always took his well-to-do clients to court dressed up in their old clothes. He thought that got sympathy from the jury. I recognize the same tactics in some of the smart lawyer-candidates who are trying to dress up their political contributors in old clothes to get the sympathy of the voters this fall.

Mr. Justice Butler

Men eminent in the legal profession, former associates in the practice of the law, and public leaders have paid him eloquent and affectionate tribute. All of these tributes I offer for your records. I should not presume to add words of my own, except that the proceedings are lacking in one viewpoint which I should be qualified to supply.

Address at New York University

It would occasion my deep gratitude at any time to be chosen, with Senator Wagner, for an award from this class for meritorious service. But there are reasons why just at this time it is a cause of unusual satisfaction. A storm of violence and poison is sweeping over the world. The thoughts of men are turned to feats of strength and new achievements in destruction.

The Undeveloped Strength of American Democracy

In a world that is moving so fast, prophesy is dangerous, and it is too early to draw more than tentative and contingent inferences as to the future. But prudence requires us to consider the possibility that after this war our nation will find itself in a reordered and less friendly environment. Unless we are to adopt a policy of non-resistance and comfort ourselves with the theory that virtue is its own reward, we cannot ignore the possibility that some decisive test of military strength may be forced upon us.

A Program for Internal Defense of the United States

This course of the war in Europe has raised many new and unpleasant problems for each of us. Among them is the attention which must be given to the so-called "fifth column." This is a problem which is of peculiar interest to lawyers, for back of the rather lurid phrase are real questions as to the continued validity of the lawyers' concepts of a government of limited powers and as to their philosophy of the rights of individuals.

Address before Federal-State Conference on Law Enforcement Problems

The country is looking to all of us as responsible public officials to handle to problems of federal and state law enforcement in connection with the national defense in an efficient and orderly manner. It looks to the state and federal governments to work together in cooperation, and while it is impossible to eliminate reasonable disagreements of matters or detail, the grave responsibility which we share makes it certain that we will at least approach our problems in a spirit of mutual confidence.

The Department of Justice and the Cities

I was very grateful to hear the suggestion that there is a place for ex Attorneys general to go. I do not gather the impression that I would be so welcome in the St. Louis from some of the editorials that I have read in the St. Louis papers. I am glad to be reassured.

Democracy Under Fire

The American people are a practical lot. I think they are more entertained than influenced by the high blood pressure of politicians, and they do not take seriously either their campaign professions of perfection or their prophesies of disaster.

Address at the American United Program

Perhaps I may be pardoned for speaking tonight on the ground that I agreed before the election to come here and speak, whether we should win or lose. I agreed to do so because I believe that a sportsmanship which ungrudgingly accepts the decision of the majority is an essential part of our democratic system.

Alien Registration and Democracy

Five days from today the United States of American will complete an inventory of those persons within its borders who are not citizens. They are not American citizens but, with relatively few exceptions, these foreign-born among us are American assets-- precious human assets. At this critical period of our history an accounting of our assets is more than just sound practice; it is absolutely essential to our national defense.