Interest of the Department of Justice in Section 77B

The successful operation of the recently enacted corporation reorganization provisions of the Bankruptcy Act is a matter of interest and concern to the Department of Justice as well as to all other agencies interested in the proper administration of justice. The hopes held out by these sections that speedy, inexpensive and reasonably equitable reorganization of embarrassed corporations shall be possible is in the hands of the bench and bar.

The Proposed Revision of Corporate Taxes

The honor and pleasure of speaking to the Young Democratic Club leads me to put aside the temptation to make the usual political speech and instead to present my personal views of President Roosevelt's proposed revision of the Federal tax on corporations. It is a living and important subject upon which there is much public confusion and not a little loose talking.

Address to Swedish Chamber of Commerce of the United States

It would be an unwarranted presumption for me, after a few weeks'visit in Sweden, to attempt to tell you, who know the country much better than I, about conditions there. It cannot be presumptuous, however, to tell you how those things impressed me. I began with a fair knowledge of the Swedish people and their activities in this country and with my own ancestry so long rooted in America that I have neither racial pride in, nor racial prejudice against, any European State.

Address on the University of the Air

Confronted with the decision of the Supreme Court, which took processing taxes away from the Government, and by the enactment of the soldiers' bonus law, President Roosevelt has invited the Congress to consider a "form of tax which would accomplish an important tax reform, remove two major inequalities in our tax system, and stop 'leaks' in present surtaxes".  The proposed changes are in the taxes on corporations.

Address to the New York State Democratic Party

It is appropriate that the National Administration should be considered here because New York State has been the very cradle of progressive, liberal and humanitarian democracy. That cradle has been rocked by three great governors, and it has been an inspiration to the party throughout the nation to throw off the forces of reaction and to move toward a progress that would have significance to the average man.

Address Celebrating WJTN Radio Joining the National Broadcasting Company Network

The improving condition of Jamestown’s industries and trade, which many of you may not see because you are too close to it, is a source of satisfaction.