Opinion on Exchange

In accordance with your request I have considered your constitutional and statutory authority to proceed by executive agreement with the British Government immediately to acquire for the United States certain off-shore naval and air bases in the Atlantic Ocean without awaiting the inevitable delays which would accompany the conclusion of a formal treaty.

The Department of Justice and the Cities

I was very grateful to hear the suggestion that there is a place for ex Attorneys general to go. I do not gather the impression that I would be so welcome in the St. Louis from some of the editorials that I have read in the St. Louis papers. I am glad to be reassured.

Messages On The Launching Of The “Bill of Rights Review”

Every failure of civil rights is at bottom a reflection on the legal profession. The last census revealed approximately 160,00 lawyers in the United States, or one lawyer for about 760 of population. These lawyers reside in every community, large and small; they are in contact with every class of the people; and they take part in every individual and group struggle.

Democracy Under Fire

The American people are a practical lot. I think they are more entertained than influenced by the high blood pressure of politicians, and they do not take seriously either their campaign professions of perfection or their prophesies of disaster.

Address at the American United Program

Perhaps I may be pardoned for speaking tonight on the ground that I agreed before the election to come here and speak, whether we should win or lose. I agreed to do so because I believe that a sportsmanship which ungrudgingly accepts the decision of the majority is an essential part of our democratic system.

Alien Registration and Democracy

Five days from today the United States of American will complete an inventory of those persons within its borders who are not citizens. They are not American citizens but, with relatively few exceptions, these foreign-born among us are American assets-- precious human assets. At this critical period of our history an accounting of our assets is more than just sound practice; it is absolutely essential to our national defense.

Address on Accepting Cardozo Award

I salute the courage of any group which dares award an honor to a living man- particularly one still in office- and in such times as these. When events so defy the guidance of established principles, who knows what caprice of individual conduct, what errors of judgment, what straying from principle may lie ahead to make you regret your choice? If I were on a board of award I should choose a living officeholder for honors only if he gave bond at once to retire and to keep silence while life should last.

International Order

We are debtors to this captivating country and city, not only for a generous hospitality, but more importantly for an inspiring leadership. We lawyers from the United States value this opportunity to compare our own legal philosophy and institutions with those of other American commonwealths. You have no doubt been impressed with our modest habit of expounding our own law by a recital of some case we won.

Judicial Career of Chief Justice Hughes

The afterglow of a distinguished career is not a satisfactory light in which to subject it to critical judgment. Only the perspective that comes with time enables a severance of the work from the worker, and supplies the criteria to appraise the value and endurance of one's effort.

Mobilizing the Profession for Defense

Europe has resumed its ancient strife, and other peoples of the world are obliged to give considerations of defense and security first place in their thoughts. Our philosophy of government makes the law by which the physical forces of the nation are controlled quite as definitely a part of our defense program as the mobilization of the force itself. lawyers are again holding spring meetings under the auspices of our several legal societies to consider the state of our law.