On March 12, 1946, Dr. Stahmer, lead Defendant Hermann Goering’s Counsel, called Paul Koerner, State Secretary in the Prussian State Ministry, chief of the Office of the Four Year Plan, and member of the Central Planning Board. Koerner testified, in German, that the Gestapo was established for the purpose of watching ” the enemies of the state.” The concentration camps were intended to receive “elements hostile to the State, mainly Communists.” After the Roehm Putsch, Goering had heard that innocent people might have fallen. He asked Hitler to cease and “no further unauthorized action took place”. Thereafter, Koerner was cross examined by Justice Robert h Jackson.

Produced by US Army Signal Corps 1945-1956, housed in National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). Digitized and provided by The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum; Steven Spielberg Film and Video Archive.