Jackson Day in Warren – Trust the System? Overcoming the Underminers

Warren County Court House 204 4th Avenue, Warren, PA

Join us on Wednesday, February 15 at 7 PM for our annual Jackson Day in Warren honoring U.S. Supreme Court Justice Robert H Jackson. This year, our featured speaker is the Honorable Benes Z. Aldana, President of The National Judicial College. His presentation, entitled Trust the System? Overcoming the Underminers, will address the public's trust […]

“70 Years After Steel Seizure: The Limits of Executive Power”

Warren County Court House 204 4th Avenue, Warren, PA

The Robert H. Jackson Center invites the public to its annual Jackson Day in Warren event in honor of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Robert H. Jackson's birth on February 13, 1892 in Spring Creek, PA.The keynote speaker for our 2022 Warren Day will be Matthew Steilen, Professor of Law at the University at Buffalo School […]
